Saturday, January 25, 2020
Analysis of German Film Run Lola Run Essay -- Movie Film Style Run Lol
Analysis of German Film "Run Lola Run" Run Lola Run, is a German film about a twenty-something woman (Lola) who has 20 minutes to find $100,000 or her love (Manni) will be killed. The search for the money is played through once with a fatal ending and one would think the movie was over but then it is shown again as if it had happened ten seconds later and changed everything. It is then played out one last time. After the first and second sequence, there is a red hued, narrative bridge. There are several purposes of those bridges that affect the movie as a whole. The film Run Lola Run can be analyzed by using the four elements of mise-en scene. Mise-en-scene refers to the aspects of film that overlap with the art of the theater. Mise-en-scene pertains to setting, lighting, costume, and acting style. For the purpose of this paper, I plan on comparing the setting, costume, lighting, and acting style in the first red hued, bridge to that of the robbery scene. Through this analysis, I plan to prove that the purpose o f the narrative bridge in the film was not only to provide a segue from the first sequence to the second, but also to show a different side of personality within the main characters. The first element of mise-en scene to be discussed is setting. In general this is a very simple comparison. In the red hued scenes, Lola and Manni are in a private place that appears to be a bedroom. The only thing shown in the scene is them lying on a bed. As far as ...
Friday, January 17, 2020
Sometimes People Are Unable to Control the Directions Their Lives Take.
Sometimes people are unable to control the direction their lives take. This can be a hard concept to grasp, but one needs to understand that one cannot control every single detail or event in oneââ¬â¢s life, and also cannot possibly predict what will happen in the future. Obstacles of every kind will strike, whether these trials come in the form of day to day hardships, catastrophic natural disasters, or even the fate of the gods. The only thing one can really do is adapt to the new situation and try to move forward. Making decisions can be extremely difficult but one of the worst feelings a person can have is having a decision made for you. Although one may consider these changes in direction to be trivial, in truth they may actually have the power to alter the path of oneââ¬â¢s life. Like many Grade Twelve's, I put my fate into the hands of the Admissions Office of each prospective University. I had done everything I could in the beginning of the year to get respectable grades and be accepted into all the schools I wanted, just so I had every possible option available to me. It started off well, with my early acceptance to Queens University and University of Alberta but then came McGill University. It had been one of my top choices, and I was tremendously disappointed. Although I have now accepted that I have no chance of attending McGill this upcoming Fall, it was still painful to think that an entire future, a whole different person that I could have become, died away with that one rejection letter. In time, I realized there was nothing left to do but to go check out the other universities. Fortunately, I fell in love with the Queens University campus just two weeks ago after visiting it for the first time. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, ââ¬Å"We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope. Though I may not be able to control the unexpected twists in my life, at least I know that I will always be able to face any upcoming challenges with a strength and determination that I will always be able to control. Additionally, people always find themselves unable to control the direction their lives take when natural disasters strike. This unfortunate destruction can come in the form of a tsunami in Asia, Hurricane Katrina or most recently, the earthquake in Haiti. Considered one of the worst natural disasters in recent history, the quake caused immense damage to structures f all kinds, and wreaked havoc upon millions of lives. These poor people had no real way of knowing a disaster that immense would strike, and ultimately were powerless to stop its terrifying force. Unfortunately, the citizens of Haiti had to experience a complete change to their lifestyle, and were forced to deal with a massive obstacle that the rest of the world could barely comprehend. All that these victims could do was accept that they had no control over what happened, and then attempt to pick up the pieces of their lives amidst the chaos that surrounded them. Truly, human beings are left powerless to control the detrimental effects that Mother Nature has on their lives when a natural disaster hits. Furthermore, no matter how many obstacles or how impossible they may seem, even if against the will of the gods, one must still try to move forward. In Homerââ¬â¢s timeless epic, The Odyssey, the protagonist Odysseus is faced with countless trials and tribulations that he must endure before he may finally return home. After the great battle of Troy, Odysseus attempts to return to his love, Penelope and son, Telemachus. Unfortunately his homecoming is delayed an endless 10 years because of the reckless actions and behaviours of himself and his crew which have angered the Greek gods. Consequently, the gods provide them with a series of dangerous obstacles presenting tragedy, death, and destruction to the mortals. He has no choice but to meet every challenge without question if he is to ever see his home again. In the end, it is not his triumphs at Troy but his persistence and ability to never give up on his voyage home that makes Odysseus so infamous. Many times people find themselves unable to control the direction their lives take. While this can be unbelievably frustrating, one needs to keep in perspective that one cannot control every single detail of his or her life, and moreover one cannot predict what may or may not happen in the future. When something that is out of oneââ¬â¢s control alters oneââ¬â¢s set course, all that person can do is work through the hardship and attempt to find some solid ground once more. It is inevitable that life will take some nasty turns over the years, but one must accept that once the unexpected hits, the only thing that one can do is adapt to the situation and carry on.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Space Exploration The Advance of Mankind - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1058 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/07/03 Category Science Essay Level High school Tags: Space Exploration Essay Did you like this example? When mentioning about the topic of outer space, the things that pop into peoples minds are usually about the beautiful and fascinating photographs of the planets, stars, and the galaxy. What people often do not know is that there are far more mysteries further above the clouds and the airplanes, and the night sky where only the moon and the stars are seen. Outside of planet earth and the solar system, there are a thousand other planets and a huge amount of unknown left for humans to discover. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Space Exploration: The Advance of Mankind" essay for you Create order The only way to learn about the mysterious and limitless universe is to explore it, and humans are the pathfinders to discover more about the outer space. Space exploration is one great advance of mankind and is worth the amount of money spent on investment because it allows humans to discover more about the universe and locate valuable resources, and is creating beneficial advancements in fields including technology and medicine. While exploring space, humans can make discoveries in the universe to gain more knowledge about it and find many beneficial resources. One of the purposes of space exploration is to discover more in space and observe them. Two years ago, scientists found the star Proxima Centauri that lies only 4.2 light-years away from Earths sun. In August 2016, they discovered a planet orbiting in Proxima Centauris habitable zone, increasing the possibility that life might have evolved there. This newly discovered planet Proxima b, with a minimum mass of about 1.27 times Earths mass, has a great chance of being a habitable planet (Cofield). During space exploration, scientists may locate another habitable planet where humans can move to live on if earth becomes inhabitable or even new species. Humans can learn about the unknown in the outer space and have a learn more about other planets in the universe except earth. As humans are using the resources on earth at a fast rate, our planet would not have enough resources to use, while the outer space contains essential resources for earth to use.In space, humans are able to find reso urces such as precious rocks and other minerals. Solar energy in space and metallic asteroid from the moon are examples of resources in space. Raw materials from asteroids are mined near earth asteroids, and are then harvested and processed into refined and usable supplies that can be manufactured into finished products. These can only be found in space and contain high abundances of water and important elements (Asteroid Mining). Water and other precious is abundant in the solar system and is necessary to life both on earth and in space. Water is important because it supports humans with drinking water, agriculture, and is the basic of all lives. Space exploration not only allows humans to discover more about the outer space, but also leads to the creation of advancements in technology and medicine. Space exploration allows humans to create the most advanced technological and medical developments. As President John F. Kennedy stated, medical space research may revolutionize the technology and the techniques of modern medicine (John F. Kennedy: Remarks in San Antonio at the Dedication of the Aerospace Medical Health Center. November 21, 1963.). Advancements made during space exploration strongly benefit because they the technology and medical can be used to develop new inventions. Technology used in space programs led to the creation of commercial products such as the water purification system, satellites, satellite television, and GPS (Benefits Of Space Exploration.). Using satellites, humans can receive television programming from a communication satellite orbiting the earth that delivers it directly to the viewers location and use GPS to get information about location and time. The technology advanced from outer space proves to be another advancement of mankind. Both a satellite sent into space and an electronic pain-control device implanted in a patient are only possible because of the development of space programs. Space exploration has also led to the creation of new and improved medical equipment including cancer detection devices, small heart pumps and laser eye surgery (Benefits Of Space Exploration.). Scratch-resistant lenses for eyeglasses and dental braces are also examples of medical advancements from space exploration. Heart pacemakers work through electronic monitoring, which is similar to ones used to operate satellites orbiting the earth (CNN). In addition, the kidney dialysis machines were discovered during a NASA project and the technology was created for purifying water while in space (Admin). Now, the kidney dialysis machine can filter blood for patients who experience kidney failure. These devices were first made for space exploration, but were later modified as medical advancements to benefit patients in need. The advancements made by space exploration are beneficial to humans in the medical field as well. This is a graph of the core focus of space exploration by NASA in 2016. As seen on the graph, exploration and space operation uses most of the budget, costing 8.5 billion dollars. Other fields of science and physics make up the rest of the core focuses. Altogether, the total amount of money spent on space exploration by NASA in 2016 is about 13.65 billion dollars. Some might say that the money spent on space exploration is too much and do not benefit human lives on earth. The total annualbudgetof space agencies in the United States is estimated to be $41.8 billion (Space Exploration Pros and Cons: a Waste of Money?).$41.8 billion is a large amount of money, and can be used to make many other advancements in other fields that are more beneficial to humans. However, the benefits and returns of space exploration creates infinity more wealth than the money invested. The gains from space exploration is not able to be calculated by the amount of money because the discoveries and advancements it brings back is beyond price. The advancements are not able to be made without space exploration, and will not be able to benefit humans. The amount of money spent on space exploration is worth the cost because the benefits include new discoveries and resources in space and more advanced developments in technology and medicine. Discoveries lead to a better understanding of space and essential resources such as minerals are found. Advancements made by space exploration benefit human lives in many ways such as new innovations and advanced medical equipment. As humans are exploring space, they are actually contributing to the advancement of discovering more of the world.
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